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Architect Member (AIA)

Any architect who is currently entitled and registered with the Board of Architecture to practice and use the title Architect in the State of Florida is eligible to be an Architect Member. Architects may also hold the titles Fellow and/or Emeritus. Learn more...

Associate Member (Assoc. AIA)

Associate AIA membership is open to individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:­

  • Recent graduate with a degree in architecture.
  • Enrolled in the Architectural Experience Program (AXP) and working towards licensure.
  • Work under the supervision of a licensed architect.
  • Faculty member in a university program in architecture­­­­­.

For more information about the benefits of associate AIA membership, click HERE

Emeritus (AIA Emeritus)

  • Emeritus status may be made by any architect member who has maintained membership for 15 consecutive years immediately prior to application, and:
  • either has reached the age of 70 and has retired from the profession of architecture or
  • is so incapacitated as to be unable to work in the profession.

Click HERE to complete an emeritus membership application.

Firm Membership

Firm membership is a supplemental membership recognized only at the state level. To be eligible, the firm principal must be a member in good standing. There are a number of benefits once you become an AIA Florida Firm member, such as:

  • Your name and company name listed in the Annual AIA Florida Membership Directory, distributed to over 3,500 AIA Florida members and sold throughout the year to those seeking architectural services in Florida.
  • Your firm contact information listed on our website at ­­­- accessible to thousands of potential clients.
  • Receive the weekly AIA Florida Opportunities email - the most comprehensive list of RFP's from around the state compiled by AIA Florida staff providing you with project leads.
  • A 10% discount on all continuing education sessions provided by AIA Florida for you and your employees.
  • An experienced government affairs AIA Florida staff providing lobbying efforts benefiting architects and those in the built community.
  • Eligibility for the prestigious AIA Florida Firm of the Year Award.

Click HERE for a complete list of firm member benefits and complete the online AIA Florida Firm membership application.­ Dues are calculated on a rate of $125 per licensed architect at your firm.

Allied Membership

Allied members represent the companies and industries supporting the design build community.­­­­­Whether you provide a product in the early phase of design, or if you offer a service at the conclusion of a project, allied membership is a return on your investment.­ ­As an allied member, you will enjoy a number of benefits, including:

  • Networking with over 3,500 architect members at our Annual Convention & Trade Show.
  • Discount on exhibit space.
  • Receive a copy of our Annual AIA Florida Membership Directory.

Click HERE for a complete list of allied member benefits and complete the online AIA Florida Allied membership application including your $290 annual member dues.


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