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2025 Legislative Issues

SB 50: Nature-based Methods for Improving Coastal Resilience


Nature-based Methods for Improving Coastal Resilience; Requiring the Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation at the University of South Florida College of Marine Science to develop design guidelines and standards for green and gray infrastructure and models for conceptual designs of green infrastructure and green-gray infrastructure; requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to adopt rules for nature-based methods for coastal resilience; requiring the department, in consultation with the Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services of the Department of Financial Services, to conduct a statewide feasibility study regarding the value of nature-based methods being used for a specified purpose, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 11/20/2024 Senate - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

SB 62: Resilient Buildings

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez

Resilient Buildings; Defining the term “resilient building”; specifying that owners of resilient buildings are eligible to receive a specified tax credit; requiring building owners to file a specified application with the Department of Environmental Protection by a specified date in order to claim such tax credit; creating the Florida Resilient Building Advisory Council adjunct to the Department of Environmental Protection, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 11/22/2024 Senate - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

SB 80: State Land Management


State Land Management; Citing this act as the “State Park Preservation Act”; requiring public hearings for all updated conservation and nonconservation land management plans; requiring the Division of Recreation and Parks of the Department of Environmental Protection to comply with specified provisions when granting certain privileges, leases, concessions, and permits; requiring that individual management plans for parcels located within state parks be developed with input from an advisory group, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 12/4/2024 Senate - Filed
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

HB 143: Resilient Buildings


Resilient Buildings; Authorizes owner of resilient buildings to receive a specified tax credit; provides specifications for tax credit application, value, requirements, use, & transfer; creates Florida Resilient Building Advisory Council; provides duties, membership, & meeting requirements for such council.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 1/13/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

SB 184: Affordable Housing


Affordable Housing; Requiring, rather than authorizing, a local government to adopt an ordinance to allow accessory dwelling units in certain areas; requiring the Florida Housing Finance Corporation to establish a model program that uses mezzanine finance for a certain purpose; authorizing a local government to provide a density bonus incentive to landowners who make certain real property donations to assist in the provision of affordable housing for military families, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 1/10/2025 Senate - Filed
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

SB 368: Community Associations


Community Associations; Creating the Condominium and Homeowners’ Association Economic Crime, Fraud, and Corruption Investigation Pilot Program within the Department of Legal Affairs; authorizing the department to contract with a private entity to achieve the program’s purpose; requiring that the pilot program be funded from the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes Trust Fund; requiring the division to monitor condominium associations’ compliance with requirements relating to maintenance of certain insurance or fidelity bonding of certain persons, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 1/27/2025 Senate - Filed
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

HB 247: Affordable Housing


Affordable Housing; Requires, rather than authorizes, local government to adopt ordinance to allow accessory dwelling units in certain areas; prohibits such ordinance from increasing parking requirements; requires Florida Housing Finance Corporation to establish model program that uses mezzanine finance for certain purpose; requires corporation to consult with specified entity; authorizes local government to provide density bonus incentive to landowners who make certain real property donations to assist in provision of affordable housing for military families.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 1/24/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

HB 401: Residential Land Use Development Regulations


Residential Land Use Development Regulations; Authorizes counties & municipalities, respectively, to zone or designate parcel for single-family residential use or single-family hybrid housing use; authorizes counties & municipalities, respectively, to allow use of land for single-family residential use, while prohibiting use of land for single-family hybrid housing use; provides for adoption of local land development regulations.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/5/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF


HB 409: Adaptive Reuse of Land



Adaptive Reuse of Land; Authorizes board of county commissioners & municipal governing body, respectively, to adopt ordinance for transitional housing; establishes eligibility & ordinance requirements; authorizes Florida Housing Finance Corporation to provide technical assistance to counties & municipalities; creates Adaptive Reuse Public-Private Partnership Council to facilitate & oversee development of adaptive reuse projects; requires council to monitor & perform project evaluations on regular basis; prohibits members of council from receiving compensation; authorizes reimbursement for travel expenses for certain members; requires council to report specified information to Governor & Legislature by specified date each year.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/5/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

SB 482: Local Government


Local Government; Prohibiting a county from requiring an applicant to take certain actions as a condition of processing a development permit or development order; prohibiting a municipality from requiring an applicant to take certain actions as a condition of processing a development permit or development order, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/4/2025 Senate - Filed
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

HB 567: Transportation


Transportation; Requires DOR to make monthly distributions from certain tax proceeds to State Transportation Trust Fund; provides for future repeal; requires counties to provide DOT with certain project data; requires DHSMV to issue expectant mother parking permits; revises conditions under which DOT may acquire property through eminent domain; revises membership of Center for Urban Transportation Research advisory board; provides requirements for certain project concept studies & project development & environmental studies; provides & revises requirements relating to competitive bidding, underground utility location, & M.P.O.'s; removes provisions relating to Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council; requires DOT to prioritize certain Strategic Intermodal System highway corridor projects; authorizes DOT to expend certain funds for grants for purchase of certain equipment; provides legislative findings regarding widening of certain roadway; requires DOT to submit reports to Governor & Legislature; requires airport authorities to prepare & adopt airport master plan; establishes airport pilot program at Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/12/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

HB 569: Construction and Facilities


Construction and Facilities; Exempts specified public facilities from concurrency; authorizes developers to provide specified improvements & contributions to public schools; requires developers to receive credits for impact fees from such improvements & contributions; requires such credits to be approved by local governments & special districts; prohibits local governing authorities from imposing or enforcing vehicular stacking ordinances or regulations against specified schools during certain hours; revises building requirements for charter schools.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/12/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

SB 586: Actions by Condominium Associations


Actions by Condominium Associations; Revising the limitations on actions by associations, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/10/2025 Senate - Filed
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

HB 6005: Statute of Repose for Actions by Condominium Associations


Statute of Repose for Actions by Condominium Associations; Removes statute of repose for certain actions.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 1/17/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF


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