
Resume Pool
If you are a member of AIA Florida, you can post your resume in our resume pool for free! Simply email a PDF version of your resume with your AIA membership number to George Henning at ghenning@aiafla.org. Resume postings will be active for 60 days. Please let us know if you would like your resume to be renewed after 60 days.
If you are not a member of AIA Florida and would like to post your resume, please download and fill out the form located HERE. Once filled out, return to George Henning at ghenning@aiafla.org.
The resume pool has hundreds of visitors each month, so send your resume today!
Resume Categories
You can post your resume under one of the following categories -- architects, associates & interns, drafting/CAD, or other. Check back each week as new resumes are added!
Associates & Interns