AIA Tallahassee Awards Entry Deadline
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Start: Monday, September 25, 2023
Web Site: https://mailchi.mp/bdd21446ab6d/aia-associate-events-9864556?fbclid=IwAR3VQyglOG_Rw87zeHfe0plXB5mHn63C1NJHlzBTD5A4bWN19rlM2CzlvTI
The AIA Tallahassee awards program is calling for submittals. AIA Tallahassee Chapter design awards bolster local visibility, acknowledge and promote the work of our membership and publicly recognize excellence in architecture. Awards will be presented formally at the Annual Holiday Party.
The objective of the Design Awards program is to encourage excellence in architecture, elevate public consciousness of good design, and recognize those architects whose work enriches our built environment.
This year’s jury will be the Board of Directors at AIA North Alabama.
Entry Categories:
PowerPoint templates
2023 Unbuilt Slide Template